
NUJS Mediation Competition 2021

Ex Curia International is elated to announce its Exclusive Networking Partnership with the III Edition of NUJS Mediation Competition 2021. The competition is scheduled to take place on 8th and 9th May 2021. The competition, in it’s third edition, promises to challenge ADR enthusiasts from India and beyond with interesting realistic problems and the competitors would be judged by several eminent personalities. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ex Curia International (@excuriainternational) ECI seeks to promote healthy ADR culture across the globe and hopes that hopes that its association with the competition helps budding ADR practitioners in achieving their dreams. We wish the organising committee all the best!

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The VII NLS- Negotiation Mediation and Client Counselling Competition.

We are proud to announce that Ex Curia International is the exclusive knowledge partner for the VII NLS- Negotiation, Mediation and Client Counselling Competition, Bangalore, India. The NLS NMC, is one of Asia-Pacific’s leading ADR competitions. Started in 2015, the competition has fast garnered a reputation as an event that adheres to the highest standards. Previous editions have each seen more than 60 teams and 200 students participate, and have brought together lawyers and ADR experts from India and abroad. It is a testament to the quality of the event that the NLS NMC is one amongst a select few global competitions that conducts three ADR events simultaneously, that is, Negotiation, Mediation and Client Counselling and is also a qualifier for the ICC Mediation Week, Paris and the International Negotiation Competition. We look forward to meeting the participating teams, judges and collaborators at the event! Wishing everyone the very best! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ex Curia International (@excuriainternational)

The VII NLS- Negotiation Mediation and Client Counselling Competition. Read More »

Decoding Deal Mediation with ECI in association with NLU Jodhpur

In collaboration with NLUJ Deal Mediation Competition 2.0, we are proud to present our latest video in the DnD series! Watch Mr. Claude Amar and Ananya Agrawal decode deal mediation and discuss nuances and techniques helpful in the same. Not only are these pointers crucial in real proceedings, keeping them in mind would also help you get an edge over other teams in competitions! The competition is supposed to take place virtually from 12 to 14 March, 2021 and promises to be and exciting 3 days. ECI is pumped to be a part of an event of such scale!

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ECI Coaching News

Mr. Pascal Comvalius, member of the Board of Advisors at ECI, is the coach for the Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, Law School team at the ICC Mediation Competition, Paris, 2021. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ex Curia International (@excuriainternational) In furtherance of our goal to make ADR more robust in India as well as across the globe, Ananya Agrawal is coaching the NALSAR team for the MNLU Bombay 2.0 Mediation Competition. Ananya’s stellar performance in ADR activities ranges from winning the 5th NLS NMC to receiving a special award at the 15th ICC Commercial Mediation Competition. She was also a part of the Judges’ panel of the 6th ICC Bucerius Competition, Germany, 2020. Ananya is also the founder of ECI! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ex Curia International (@excuriainternational) In furtherance of our goal to make ADR more robust in India as well as across the globe, Ms. Yamini Kumar is coaching the NLIU, Bhopal team for the VM Salgaocar\’s Lex Infinitum International Dispute Resolution Competition, 2021. Since her graduation in 2018, Ms. Yamini has judged multiple ADR competitions. She is accredited by the Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation as a commercial and community mediator in India and is also accredited as a civil-commercial mediator by ADR-ODR International, which qualifies her to practice mediation in England and Singapore. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ex Curia International (@excuriainternational) In furtherance of our goal to make ADR more robust in India as well as across the globe, Ananya Agrawal is coaching the HPNLU team for the Lex Infinitum, 2021. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ex Curia International (@excuriainternational) In furtherance of our goal to make ADR more robust in India as well as across the globe, Romit Sarkar is coaching the UILS team for the Lex Infinitum, 2021. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ex Curia International (@excuriainternational)

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Blog Writing Competition in collaboration with ODR Expo Tech, Latin America.

Dear ECI Network, Ex Curia International is excited to announce its collaboration with ODR Expo Tech in organizing a Blog Writing Competition. We are looking for your most inventive ideas, high-quality writing, and solutions related to the nexus between technology and alternative dispute resolution. ORD Expo Tech 5.0 is a five-day event from 26th to 30th April 2021, focusing on Online Conflict Resolution. It will feature speakers from across the globe along with interactive workshops, demonstrations and a technologically cutting edge networking space. With this competition, we aim to increase awareness about the evolving ADR space and bolster a global engagement with ODR. This is a great opportunity for students and professionals worldwide to express their views, arguments and opinions on the future of ADR in the pandemic and its intersections with artificial intelligence and the digital space. The winners will get a chance to get published in the ECI Blog and the ODR Latino America Journal, along with winning other exciting prizes! Submissions are accepted in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Click here for more information! Guidelines in English- Thankyou for your interest in participating in this event. Please follow the guidelines listed below to ensure your submission meets our entry requirements. The participant guidelines and submission rules must be followed strictly. We invite participants to write on any one of the following themes of their choice –  Participant Guidelines – Submission Rules – Prizes and Awards – Winning & shortlisted submissions shall be published on the ODR LatinoAmerica Journal as well as the ECI Blog. ( Select individuals will also receive ebook copies of works authored by Dr. Alberto Elisavetsky and Dra  Celeida Celentano Laports such as – Directrices en español– Gracias por su interés en participar en este evento. Siga las pautas que se enumeran a continuación para asegurarse de que su envío cumpla con nuestros requisitos de participación. Las pautas para los participantes y las reglas de presentación deben seguirse estrictamente. Invitamos a los participantes a escribir sobre cualquiera de los siguientes temas de su elección: Directrices para los participantes: Reglas de envío- Premios y reconocimientos – Las presentaciones ganadoras y preseleccionadas se publicarán en el ODR LatinoAmerica Journal y en el Blog de ECI. ( ) Individuos selectos también recibirán copias de libros electrónicos de trabajos escritos por el Dr. Alberto Elisavetsky y Dra Celeida Celentano Laports como: ·         Mediação de Conflitos na Prática ·         Resolução de Conflitos Online ·         La Mediación a la luz de las Nuevas Tecnologías Diretrizes em português- Concurso de artigos para Blog Obrigado pelo seu interesse em participar deste evento. Por favor, siga as diretrizes listadas abaixo para garantir que seu envio atenda aos nossos requisitos de inscrição no evento. As diretrizes e regras de submissão dos participantes devem ser seguidas rigorosamente. Convidamos os participantes a escrever sobre qualquer um dos seguintes temas de sua escolha – Proteção de dados e privacidade em ODR Como o COVID 19 afetou a ODR? Quais são os desafios na adoção de tecnologia e na mudança de ADR para ODR? Comentário sobre as Notas Técnicas da UNCITRAL sobre ODR Natureza da ODR – Muito barulho para pouca coisa? Rastreando a história e prevendo o futuro das ODR As plataformas tecnológicas usadas em ODR são bem otimizadas para tornar a justiça mais acessível? Processos de ODR – devem ser distintos dos sistemas formais de justiça existentes? Como a ODR torna um tribunal mais do que apenas um local físico? Inteligência artificial e ODR Diretrizes para os Participantes – O concurso aceita inscrições nos seguintes idiomas – espanhol, português e inglês. A autoria múltipla de uma única peça é permitida, mas limitada a dois coautores. Todas as submissões do blog devem ter entre 1000 e 3000 palavras. Esse intervalo poderá ser flexível caso seja necessário estabelecer uma lei local específica ou o contexto com o qual leitores/avaliadores regulares não estejam familiarizados. As submissões devem ser em formato eletrônico. Todos os envios devem ser processados por texto, com espaçamento simples em Garamon, tamanho de fonte 12 e justificados. Os subtítulos devem ser uniformemente numerados em algarismos romanos. Os limites de palavras prescritos não incluem notas de rodapé. Qualquer conteúdo enviado deve ser um trabalho original ou o devido crédito deve ser atribuído quando necessário. Todas as submissões passarão por uma verificação obrigatória de plágio. Regras de submissão – As submissões devem ser enviadas para [email protected] com o assunto ODR Expo Tech Blog Writing Competition. Todas as submissões devem ser acompanhadas de uma carta de apresentação, contendo o(s) nome(s) do(s) autor(es), afiliação institucional/organização, título e categoria do envio e um endereço de contato do autor, incluindo o endereço de e-mail e o número de telefone. Os envios devem ser enviados como anexos MS word (formato .docx) com o título do artigo como nome do arquivo. O corpo da submissão não deve conter identificação de qualquer tipo, incluindo o nome e a afiliação institucional do autor, que devem ser fornecidos na carta de apresentação e no órgão de e-mail. Isso é para garantir uma revisão adequada por pares. Apenas notas de rodapé podem ser usadas como forma de citações. Notas finais não serão aceitas. Todas as notas de rodapé devem estar em Garamond, tamanho 10, com espaçamento simples e justificadas. As citações são derivadas de The Bluebook: Um sistema uniforme de citação. Todas as inscrições devem ser enviadas antes de 25 de março para serem consideradas. Prêmios e Condecorações  – O vencedor e as submissões pré-selecionadas serão publicados no ODR LatinoAmerica Journal, bem como no ECI Blog. (Http:// Indivíduos selecionados também receberão cópias de ebooks/livros de autoria do Dr. Alberto Elisa Etsky e Dra. Celeida Celentano Laporta, como – Mediação de Conflitos na Prática Resolução de Conflitos Online La Mediación a la luz de las Nuevas Tecnologías

Blog Writing Competition in collaboration with ODR Expo Tech, Latin America. Read More »

ECI is Winner and shortlisted speaker at Sama Justice.x Competition

Dear ECI Network,Indian Mediation Week (IMW) is a pan-India mediation awareness campaign run by SAMA, an Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) institution based out of Bangalore. In the last 3 years, it has sensitised more than 10 lakh people on the benefits of incorporating collaborative dispute resolution practices in India. The fourth edition of IMW is primarily focussed on tackling burnout in the legal profession of India. In order to innovate and transform the dispute resolution space in India, there is a need for strong leadership and more future facing solutions. Justice.XIn its latest initiative called Justice.X, SAMA aims to provide a platform for law students to present innovative solutions to challenges faced in the dispute resolution space of India. Ex Curia International’s founder, Ananya Agarwal, is proud to have been identified as one of the students that have successfully presented their solutions to the problems faced in the dispute resolution sphere today. As part of the rigorous selection process, SAMA invited responses from law students to “pick a problem faced in dispute resolution in India and come up with an innovative solution to solve for the same”. ECI’s response was drafted by Ananya Agarwal and Saurabh Gupta, two of our founding editors and core members. The issues that ECI identified include a lack of professionalisation in mediation, lack of resources, information and access to ADR mechanisms, lack of inward innovation at the grassroots level, gap between the ADR-related skills required and those imparted through Indian legal education, amongst others. In fact, the very problems listed out here are the ones that had prompted the establishment of ECI. With ECI as the winning solution adjudged by the team at SAMA, we have come a long way in our pursuit of making ADR a ubiquitous reality in India. We hope to deliver with the same level of commitment in the future as well, and thank our team and network for their relentless efforts in making every small step count in our surreal journey. As to our readers and supporters, we request you to please fill in this form to become a formal member of the ECI Network and get started in your professional journey as an ADR enthusiast. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ex Curia International (@excuriainternational)

ECI is Winner and shortlisted speaker at Sama Justice.x Competition Read More »

Feedback and recommendations submitted to the NITI Aayog on the ODR Policy Plan for India.

Ex Curia International is pleased to announce that its feedback on the report ‘Designing the Future of Dispute Resolution: The ODR Policy Plan for India’ by the NITI Aayog, has been acknowledged by the ODR Committee Convenor, Mr. D.G. Sekhri. NITI Aayog is developing itself as a State-of-the-art Resource Centre, with the necessary resources, knowledge and skills, that will enable it to act with speed, promote research and innovation, provide strategic policy vision for the government, and deal with contingent issues. The consultation was conducted between 28th October 2020 and 11th November 2020 wherein 44 participants contributed their opinion through Civis’ platform, to improve the report. The Committee included representatives from various Departments and Ministries of the Government of India, which could contribute towards mainstreaming ODR and in-turn benefit from it, including the Departments of Consumer Affairs, Legal Affairs, Justice and the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, among others. As a second step in its consultative drafting process, the Committee invited experts in the field of dispute resolution to participate in the consultation exercise through an online consultation mechanism and ECI provided its recommendations independently through this invitation. To summarise, ECI recommended gaps in the expert committee’s report and some potential solutions and the way forward in this regard. A section on the lacunae in the law as regards electronic evidence was also included in the response. ECI formed a sub-committee for this purpose, with members from different divisions of the team working on different areas of the report. The document containing the acknowledgement letters can be accessed here: Acknowledgement-Letters-Ananya-AgrawalDownload We at ECI would like to thank the NITI Aayog and Civis for giving us an opportunity to undertake this project. The acknowledgement received from the Chairman of the Committee makes us hopeful that our suggestions, as part of the student community who are striving to create ripples within the dispute resolution sphere, will form a valuable part of the consultative process in the formulation of a comprehensive ODR Policy framework for India. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ex Curia International (@excuriainternational)

Feedback and recommendations submitted to the NITI Aayog on the ODR Policy Plan for India. Read More »

Ex Curia International in the Bucerius Negotiation Competition 2020

source: The Bucerius organizing Team are (virtually) welcoming more than 20 universities and more than 40 ADR professionals from all over the world this weekend in Hamburg. Due to the COVID19-pandemic, the competition would hold online. However, the competition is structured in such a way that the experiences are as close as the former competitions. The competition allows two teams consisting of two students each to participate in a mediation session about a fictitious case and try to come to an amicable solution. The competition thereby offers the participants the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and knowledge of mediation. Ex Curia International was a coach for one of the competing teams from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. Shravani Shendye from ECI was a coach for the University of Lagos We also judged rounds. The amiable judges from ECI were, our founder, Ananya Agrawal, and our marketing chair, Ms. Ambarin Khambati. Our founder, Ananya Agrawal, was a judge at the Bucerius Mediation Competition 2020. Our marketing chair, Ms. Ambarin Khambati, was a judge at the Bucerius Mediation Competition 2020. If you are looking to get a coach for mediation or other alternative dispute resolution competitions, kindly reach out to us. We would be glad to take on that role. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ex Curia International (@excuriainternational)

Ex Curia International in the Bucerius Negotiation Competition 2020 Read More »

The NINC-ECI Webinar collaboration

We are proud to announce our successful partnership with the NLIU NINC! As Knowledge Partners, ECI conducted a webinar on “Negotiation in Real Life” for the benefit of the participants for both the competition as well as for future endeavors. The webinar was graced with a discussion between Ms. Ana Sambold, Esq. and Mr. Mathew Rushton and was moderated by Ananya Agrawal, the Founder of ECI. We congratulate the NLIU NINC organizing committee for a successful event! ECI has been actively helping a number of ADR competitions of top law schools. Our outreach and network on a national as well as an international scale has helped not only the organizers but also the participants of such competitions. We also provide other services like contacting eminent personalities for judging the competitions, drafting problems, as well as coaching the participating teams. We also organise and moderate webinars with experts, like we did for the NINC collaboration. Check out our podcasts page to know more about the webinars.  ECI is always open to exploring more ways to make ADR a robust process through collaboration with other events with similar goals. Feel free to reach out to us for any such proposals!   View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ex Curia International (@excuriainternational)

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